
사랑아이 학술활동

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BR Do, JH Cho, SJ Yoon, YJ Lim, HR Paik, SI Roh, HS Yoon. 정상 생리주기의 여성에서 미성숙 난자를 이용한 불임치료시 난자의 채취시기 및 자궁내막 준비에 관한 연구. Korean Society of Fertility and Sterility 1999.
IK Jeon, YJ Lim, DR Lee, JS Jeon, HN Shim, JH Cho, SI Roh, HS Yoon. 비폐쇄성 무정자증 환자에서 ROSI를 적용한 68례에 대한 보조생식술의 결과. Korean Society of Fertility and Sterility 1999.
JH Cho, BR Do, HR Paik, SJ Yoon, JE Lee, HN Shim, JS Jeon, HS Yoon, SI Roh. Reproductive potencies of immature oocyte in the non-stimulated human IVF-ET program. Korean Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1999.
JH Cho, SI Roh, DR Lee, HR Paik, SJ Yoon, BR Do, HS Yoon. 과배란 유도 없는 새로운 시험관아기 시술법. Korean Society of Fertility and Sterility 1997.
HS Yoon, JH Lee, JT Seo, HJ Kim, DR Lee, JS Jeon, JH Cho, MK Kim, MS Lee, SI Roh. Analysis of microdeletions in Y chromosome from Korean male infertility patients. Korean Society of Fertility and Sterility 1996.
JS Chun, JT Seo, SH Lee, HN Shim, JH Cho, SI Roh, DR Lee, JW Kim, JH Lee, HS Yoon. Isolation of sperm and round spermatid in semen and Analysis of DAZ gene in nonobstructive azoospermia patients. Korean Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1996.
JH Lee, HS Yoon, S Oh, SG Lee, YT Lee, JH Cho, SI Roh, HS Lee, YG Chai. Detection of BRCA1 mutations in Korean populations. Korean Association of obstetricians and Gynecologists 1996.
JH Lee, HS Yoon, HJ Kim, DR Lee, YG Chai, JH Cho, SI Roh. Analysis of SRY and ZP3 gene in single blastomere of preimplantation human embryos using polymerase chain reaction. Korean Society of Developmental Biology. 1996.
JH Cho, DR Lee, HR Paik, HS Yoon, HN Shim, JT Seo, SI Roh. A pregnancy by intracytoplasmic round spermatid injection in nonobstructive azoospermia patient. Korean Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1996.
HN Shim, DR Lee, HR Paik, HS Yoon, JS Chun, SH Lee, JH Cho, SI Roh. Application of intracytoplasmic sperm injection according to the cause of infertility. Korean Society of Fertility and Sterility 1995.
HJ Kim, DR Lee, SI Roh, JH Cho, HS Yoon. Chromosomal abnormality according to the number of pronucleus and their morphology in human preimplantation embryos. Korean Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1995.
HS Yoon, HJ Kim, DR Lee, HR Paik, JH Cho, SI Roh. Normal pregnancy in translocation carrier with recurrent abortion by preimplantation genetic diagnosis using FISH. Korean Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1995.